Gallery Wildlife

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Our planet is inhabited by various animal special in all shapes and colours. Wildlife photography is a particular passion. Animals don’t appear to us when we want them to, they don’t pose for us, but this is the challenge which makes wildlife photography so fascinating. Once an animal is spotted, I sometimes spend over an hour to watch it and to study their behavior. They may not be able to speak to us but from every species there’s always a certain amount of interaction. All we need to do is watch.  

The Pelican, Australia
Inhabitant of the woods, Australia
The brave wallaby, Australia
Brown snake, Australia
Common crow - butterfly, Australia
Lorikeet romance, Australia
Motherly love of a wombat, Australia
The rascal, Peru
Black-collared hawk, Peru
Through the wyes of a rhesus monkey, Vietnam
Blue and gracile it glints in the wind - the beautiful demoiselle, Croatia
Pheasant prancing in his glimmering red feather dress, Ireland
Grass snake on the prowl, Germany
Muskrat, Germany
wild geese flock, Germany
Mallard, Germany
Great crested grebe, Germany
stork couple foraging for food, Germany
companion of the rain, salamander, Germany
The Pelican, Australia