Gallery Landscape

posted in: Nature and Travel | 0

The world we`re living in is filled with beautiful unique landscapes. We sit in an airplane for a few hours and find ourselves in a complete new, different environment from the one that we are used to. This fascination encouraged by curiosity leads me to travel to new countries. A few of the following pictures give an impression of the extraordinary places of our earth.

Gallery Wildlife

posted in: Nature and Travel | 0

Our planet is inhabited by various animal special in all shapes and colours. A few of them in native Germany and others overseas. Wildlife photography is a particular passion. Animals don`t appear to us when we want them to, they don`t pose for us, but this is the challenge which makes wildlife photography so fascinating. Once an animal is spotted, I sometimes spend over an hour to watch it and to study their behavior. They may not be able to speak to us but from every species there`s always a certain amount of interaction. All we need to do is watch.
